Recruitment process - TeamCreator Recruitment services

Recruitment process is an activity evidently faced by any entrepreneur. At some moment the workload becomes so overwhelming that auxiliary employees are required. A team has to be created/expanded. However, nothing is as easy as it may seem at first. The employees’ growing demands to enterprises make it difficult to stand out year by year.

Just publishing a job advertisement may not prove to be successful. Especially if people with very specific skills and knowledge are required. In such case the required result may be ensured by headhunting. Which attention of employees, who do not actively search for jobs, can be attracted. Headhunting is a time consuming process that requires specific knowledge and skills.

In case of increasing unemployment you have to face the fact that the number of applications received during recruitment process is multiple.

Although it may initially seem positive, looking through such a big number of CVs is actually very time consuming. In addition, it is not possible to invite suitable candidates to interviews only by looking at CVs. Unfortunately, there are people among candidates, who may not have properly delved into the information, which position or enterprise they are applying for. And at the same time there are candidates, who seriously deal with the application process but cannot make a good CV. In which their skills and experience are properly presented.

Due to that it is necessary when choosing suitable candidates for the interview, make a short phone call with some candidates. Then you can be sure that the right candidates are selected for the next round of recruitment process. The result achieved saves time and excludes the possibility that a talented person is neglected. Keeping all that in mind, unfortunately, it cannot be said that a big number of candidates achieve the desired result. Keeping in mind the time resource and the result. In some cases the headhunting proves to be more reasonable than a public search.


Preselection helps you to save some of your precious time while public searching, especially when there is a lot of applicants.

In case of preselection, TeamCreator:

  • meets the client and gets aware about the situation and the requirements for the new employee;
  • creates a profile of the suitable candidate;
  • creates and publishes job ad;
  • shares all the needed information to the candidates about the work, your company etc.;
  • assesses the candidates into 3 groups (suitable, not suitable and maybe suitable);
  • does short interviews to find the suitable candidates (according to the knowledge, experience and motivation);
  • sends you the data about the suitable candidates and organizes interviews as well;
  • checks the background of the final candidates and sends feedback to the non-selected candidates.


Headhunting is the best choice in case you need to hire top specialist executive with special skills and knowledge, who is not active in labour market.

It`s a good chance to recruit discreetly. It guarantees the needed results. The service includes guarantee.


In case of headhunting, TeamCreator:

  • meets the client and gets aware about the situation and the requirements for the new employee;
  • creates a profile of the suitable candidate;
  • charts the places where suitable candidates might be found (job portals, Linkedin, companies web pages, schools, social media etc.);
  • searches the candidates and contacts them in aim to figure out their suitability for the position and sell the company and job;
  • attracts suitable candidates to participate;
  • conducts interviews (1-1,5 h per 1 person) to assess if the candidate meets the requirements;
  • sends the clients information about 2-4 suitable candidates (CV-s and interviews summaries);
  • arranges the meetings between customer and candidates;
  • arranges and conducts testing of the final candidates (if needed);
  • does background studies of the final candidates;
  • gives feedback to all candidates.


In case of Full-search, suitable candidates will be guaranteed. The service is mix of regular recruitment (by using job ad) and headhunting and includes warranty.

In case of Full-search, TeamCreator:

  • meets the client and gets aware about the situation and the requirements for the new employee;
  • creates a profile of the suitable candidate;
  • creates and publishes job ad;
  • shares all the needed information to the candidates about the work, company etc.;
  • assesses the candidates;
  • charts the places where suitable candidates might be found (job portals, Linkedin, companies web pages, schools, social media etc.);
  • searches the candidates and contacts them in aim to figure out their suitability for the position and sell the company and job;
  • attracts suitable candidates to participate;
  • conducts interviews (1-1,5 h per 1 person) to assess if the candidate meets the requirements;
  • sends the clients information about 2-4 suitable candidates (CV-s and interviews summaries);
  • arranges the meetings between customer and candidates;
  • arranges and conducts testing of the final candidates (if needed);
  • does background studies of the final candidates;
  • gives feedback to all candidates.

In order to carry out a successful recruitment process, it is necessary to think over the entire process properly.


It is important to ensure both – finding the right employee and offer a candidate a positive application procedure. Professionally conducted search enables to strengthen the image of the enterprise as an employer.

Read more about the opportunities provided by TeamCreator and contact usWe will find you the most suitable recruitment solution that will guarantee the desired outcome!

recruitment process